JobTribe official start of service commemoration! “PvP Arena playing video post campaign!” Implementation


Join PvP Arena and post a video of you playing!

You can get a nice present!


■Details of Measures

Please participate in JobTribes PvP Arena during the period and post how you’re doing on YouTube as a video of you playing or send the video data to DEA.

We will give you one in-game Amulet of your choice for each post and video.

There is no problem with one person posting many times, but you can only get one LEGENDARY/EPIC in-game amulet.

In addition, we will decide “one best playing video” from the posted playing videos and give you one Digital Art (up to EPIC) of your choice at a later date.

(Results announced on 2/3 PlayMining TV)


■Period: Jan 29th(Fri)14:00(UTC+8)-Feb 3rd(Wed)13:59 (UTC+8)

■ Conditions

① The video of you playing must be recorded from when the matching is decided, up until the win/lose result screen

② After posting the video of you playing on YouTube, please email DEA with the URL and desired in-game amulet information.

The same applies when you send the video data of the video of you playing.

■ Send to:


*DEAPcoin is not available for sale to residents of Japan.