Battle in a fantasy world
on the theme of occupation!
An outlook・Story
An ordinary young man, Ryu Niito, finds that a certain incident has taken him into the world of “JobTribes”, a game that he often plays. There, jobs exist as gods, and people control these Job Lords to battle each other in this fantasy world, “Job World”. Through his adventures with a mysterious girl called Celica, other unique friends, and many Job Lords, Niito discovers his destiny and the hidden mysteries of this world.

A supreme presence that embodies “eternal” and “unlimited” value. It is said that your wishes can come true if you collect a lot.

It is a lower presence that is a way of obtaining DEAPcoin. Collecting PALEcoin and attaining DEAPcoin is the purpose of everyone living in the JobTribes world.

A young boy who arrived in the world of "JobTribes" after a traffic accident. Although unemployed, he has the ability to call on multiple Job Lords.

The first unemployed girl Niito meets in the Job World. They work together, knowing that Niito came from the “original world”.

A mysterious person who helps Niito and Celica when they were being attacked by the Dark Worker Tribe. He collects PALEcoin while accompanied with his followers.

Occupational God “Idol”
The Job Lord that Niito met when he arrived in the world of “JobTribes” and became involved in an accident.