Event Quest “Choose and Challenge! Rika vs. Kiri Ultra Battle Fest” to be held!!


■ About the Event Quest “Choose and Challenge! Rika vs. Kiri Ultra Battle Fest”
The event quest is a quest limited to a specific duration.
By clearing the event quest, you can earn ‘Fest Coins,’ which can be exchanged for amulets and items in a dedicated shop.
Also, by including certain amulets in your deck and clearing the event quest, you can earn more ‘Fest Coins’ than usual.

<How to Play>
① Choose your team! ※ Image is under development.

② Challenge the event quest “Choose and Challenge! Rika vs. Kiri Ultra Battle Fest!” and earn “Fest Coins”!
The number of users in each team and the “Fest Coins” earned will only be announced during the interim and final result announcements!

③ The team with the highest total amount of “Fest Coins” wins!!
The winning team will receive luxurious rewards!
*Even the losing team will receive rewards…!

■ Event Period
May 29,2024 (Wed) After maintenance – June 12,2024 (Wed) 10:59 (UTC+8)

■ Amulets that increase the amount of “Fest Coins” earned
・【Guide of the Firestorm】Rika
・【Guide of the Frigid Soul】 Kiri
・Achi Achi Taurus-chan
・Ice Fang’s Twin Flash
・Droplet Strike Force

■ Event Missions to be held
Exclusive event quest missions will be available.
Complete event missions to collect more “Fest Coins”!

<Event Mission Period>
May 29,2024 (Wed) After maintenance – June 12,2024 (Wed) 10:59(UTC+8)

Here are some of the mission details!
・Acquire the event special Amulet
・Exchange all items in the Event-exclusive shop
・Complete all Event Quests (NORMAL)

■ About Team Rewards
★ If the Rika Team wins and the Kiri Team loses:
Rika Team
Achi Achi Taurus-chan×9, Mini-Mino-chan’s×9, Mystical Lamp×300, Limit Breakthrough Item(E)Fire, Thunder, Earth×2 each

Kiri Team
Ice Fang’s Twin Flash×4, Droplet Strike Force×4, Mystical Lamp×150、Limit Breakthrough Item(E)Water, Nature, Poison×1 each

★ If the Rika Team loses and the Kiri Team wins
Rika Team
Achi Achi Taurus-chan×4, Mini-Mino-chan’s×4, Mystical Lamp×150, Limit Breakthrough Item(E)Fire, Thunder, Earth×1 each

Kiri Team
Ice Fang’s Twin Flash×9, Droplet Strike Force×9, Mystical Lamp×300, Limit Breakthrough Item(E)Water, Nature, Poison×2 each

■ Item Exchange Lineup
Exchange contents and required coin amounts at the dedicated shop
※You can only exchange items in the shop of the team you selected.

<Rika Shop>
Exchangeable Items | Amount of coins required | limitation
Achi Achi Taurus-chan: 100,000, Limited to 5 times
Mini-Mino-chan’s: 50,000, Limited to 5 times
Limit Breakthrough Item(LEGENDARY)x1 Fire: 200,000, Limited to 1 times
Limit Breakthrough Item(LEGENDARY)x1 Earth: 200,000, Limited to 1 times
Limit Breakthrough Item(LEGENDARY)x1 Thunder: 200,000, Limited to 1 times
Limit Breakthrough Item(EPIC)x1 Fire: 100,000, Limited to 1 times
Limit Breakthrough Item(EPIC)x1 Earth: 100,000, Limited to 1 times
Limit Breakthrough Item(EPIC)x1 Thunder: 100,000, Limited to 1 times
Limit Breakthrough Item(RARE)x1 Fire: 50,000, Limited to 1 times
Limit Breakthrough Item(RARE)x1 Earth: 50,000, Limited to 1 times
Limit Breakthrough Item(RARE)x1 Thunder: 50,000, Limited to 1 times
Limit Breakthrough Item(COMMON)x1 Fire: 30,000, Limited to 1 times
Limit Breakthrough Item(COMMON)x1 Earth: 30,000, Limited to 1 times
Limit Breakthrough Item(COMMON)x1 Thunder: 30,000, Limited to 1 times
Elixir x1: 500, Limited to 10 times
Elixir Tall x1: 1,000, Limited to 5 times
Elixir Grande x1: 2,000, Limited to 1 times
Cap of Wisdom x50: 10,000, Limited to 10 times
Necktie of Great Success x50: 10,000, Limited to 10 times
Saw of Dexterity x50: 10,000, Limited to 10 times
Head Mirror of Excellence x50: 10,000, Limited to 10 times
Disco Ball of Frenzy x50: 10,000, Limited to 10 times
Mystical Lamp x50: 10,000, Limited to 10 times
Cloak of Inquiry x50: 10,000, Limited to 10 times
Training Material (Sand): Sands of Vitality x200, 10,000, Limited to 20 times
Training Material (Sand): Sands of Conversation x200, 10,000, Limited to 20 times
Training Material (Sand): Sands of Aesthetics x200, 10,000, Limited to 20 times
Recruitment Material (Red) x999: 10,000, Limited to 20 times
Recruitment Material (Yellow) x999: 10,000, Limited to 20 times
100 Palecoin: 100, Unlimited

<Kiri Shop>
Exchangeable Items | Amount of coins required | limitation
Ice Fang’s Twin Flash: 100,000, Limited to 5 times
Droplet Strike Force: 50,000, Limited to 5 times
Limit Breakthrough Item(LEGENDARY)x1 Nature: 200,000, Limited to 1 times
Limit Breakthrough Item(LEGENDARY)x1 Water: 200,000, Limited to 1 times
Limit Breakthrough Item(LEGENDARY)x1 Poison: 200,000, Limited to 1 times
Limit Breakthrough Item(EPIC)x1 Nature: 100,000, Limited to 1 times
Limit Breakthrough Item(EPIC)x1 Water: 100,000, Limited to 1 times
Limit Breakthrough Item(EPIC)x1 Poison: 100,000, Limited to 1 times
Limit Breakthrough Item(RARE)x1 Nature: 50,000, Limited to 1 times
Limit Breakthrough Item(RARE)x1 Water: 50,000, Limited to 1 times
Limit Breakthrough Item(RARE)x1 Poison: 50,000, Limited to 1 times
Limit Breakthrough Item(COMMON)x1 Nature: 30,000, Limited to 1 times
Limit Breakthrough Item(COMMON)x1 Water: 30,000, Limited to 1 times
Limit Breakthrough Item(COMMON)x1 Poison: 30,000, Limited to 1 times
Elixir x1: 500, Limited to 10 times
Elixir Tall x1: 1,000, Limited to 5 times
Elixir Grande x1: 2,000, Limited to 1 times
Scales of Impartiality x50: 10,000, Limited to 10 times
Hoe of Plenty x50: 10,000, Limited to 10 times
Cart of Prosperity x50: 10,000, Limited to 10 times
Antenna of Good Tidings x50: 10,000, Limited to 10 times
Teapot of Popularity x50: 10,000, Limited to 10 times
Cloak of Inquiry x50: 10,000, Limited to 10 times
Mystical Lamp x50: 10,000, Limited to 10 times
Training Material (Sand): Sands of Technique x200, 10,000, Limited to 20 times
Training Material (Sand): Sands of Knowledge x200, 10,000, Limited to 20 times
Training Material (Sand): Sands of Creation x200, 10,000, Limited to 20 times
Recruitment Material (Blue) x999: 10,000, Limited to 20 times
Recruitment Material (Green) x999: 10,000, Limited to 20 times
100 Palecoin: 100, Unlimited

<Item Exchange Period> *Incorrect and has been corrected.
May 29 (Wed) After maintenance – June 17,2024 (Fri) (Mon)7:59(UTC+8)