Update on Premium Recruitment


Thank you for playing JobTribes.
We have updated the output settings of Premium Recruitment to improve the experience of the event.

We have been receiving some feedbacks and requests from our users regarding the output settings.
In particular, with the previous settings, the probability of NFT output deviates significantly from the start of Premium Recruitment.
In addition, there were many requests for an improvement regarding the maximum number of challenges required to reach the last NFT was not set.

With the update, the number of items remaining to be emitted after a certain period from the start of the Premium Recruitment will be limited, and the number of NFTs and items still to be emitted until the last NFT can be checked so that the players can enjoy the event until the end of the period.

▼Before update
NFTs: Limited output
Amulets and in-game items: No output limit
Output setting: The more NFTs are emitted, the lower the probability of NFTs being emitted

▼After the update
[First 7 days of Premium Recruitment]
NFTs: Limited output
Amulets and in-game items: No output limit
Output setting: The more NFTs are emitted, the lower the probability of NFT output.
Display settings: Display the NFT probability and remaining number of NFTs

[After the 8th day of Premium Recruitment]
NFTs: Limited output
Amulets and in-game items: Limited output
Output setting: Probability will vary depending on overall outputs.
Display settings: Display the probabilities and remaining numbers for all NFTs, amulets, and items

*The number of amulets and items available after the 8th day will vary for each Premium Recruitment, depending on the number of challenges and NFT output from the start of the event up to the 7th day.

Thank you for your continued support of JobTribes.