Regarding the PvP Special Additional Rewards Distribution Method


Thank you for playing JobTribes.

We would like to inform you that the distribution method for the special rewards of the “Premium Recruitment Implementation! Special PvP CUP”,
which was held on February 18 (Sat) – February 19 (Sun), is different from the method for the normal PvP rewards.

The special additional DEAPcoin rewards were distributed by airdropping them directly into the wallets of eligible players.

*If a Scholarship is in place and the scholar is eligible, the DEAPcoin for the special additional reward will be airdropped directly into the scholar’s wallet.
*Normal PvP rewards will still be distributed to the owner as DEAPchecks.

[Regarding future PvP events with special additional rewards]
In the future, special additional rewards will be airdropped directly to the wallet of the eligible player, but if the player has a scholarship contract,
the special additional rewards will be airdropped directly to the owner’s wallet, instead of the scholar’s wallet.